Shatley Farms
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Money Doesn’t Grow on Christmas Trees – Memories Do!

By Shatley Farms on August 13, 2021

Money Doesn’t Grow on Christmas Trees – Memories Do!

If your childhood was anything like mine, at some point your parents said, “Money doesn’t grow on trees”. How heartbreaking to hear those words which translate to “No, you can’t have that designer purse or the highly rated skateboard or the newest iPhone”. What a reality check!

I’m often asked why Christmas Trees, Wreaths and Freshly Grown Holiday Décor costs so much. We all look at produce in our local market – say strawberries – and think, I wish they didn’t cost so much. The time from planting strawberries until harvest is about 3 months. Worth it right?

Strawberries harvested in 3 months.

Our freshly cut Fraser fir trees, in comparison, take at least 10 to 12 years to grow from seed into the average size 6’-7’ tree that will be harvested for our wholesale market. That tree is inspected, shaped and individually cared for over 100 times (as reported by NC Cooperative Extension). One tree – One hundred plus visits. How many times have you visited your doctor in 12 years? I bet you never thought of it that way – I never did! When you consider all the farm labor hours needed just to grow our Christmas trees, add onto that harvesting those trees and shipping them to your favorite retail location – Shatley Farms is proud to supply fresh Christmas trees all over the US – and we know our sustainable and renewable Fraser fir trees also add to wildlife greenspace – that bonus to our environment is priceless!

A Fraser Fir seedling turns into a tree in 10-12 years.

I don’t know about you – and you could say I am quite biased – but I think the scent of newly cut garland, freshly made wreaths and real live Fraser Fir Christmas trees is worth the equivalent cost of a specialty coffee at your local café or the price of an easy fast food meal. The wholesale Christmas tree farmer truly enjoys supplying your family with a natural Christmas tree so you can create your own Christmas traditions – I bet you have as many memories as I do on past Christmas seasons decorating that real fir tree and enjoying that fresh natural scent every day in preparation for Christmas.

Memories really are priceless

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